Archive for September, 2007


We simply love crepe and it is easy to make that we decided to make it sometime for breakfast or even for a simple tea-break in the afternoon.


3/4 cup all-purpose flour
2 eggs
1cup milk
2tbsp sugar
1/4 tsp salt
2 tbsp oil
1/2tsp vanilla essence

1. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the flour and the eggs. Gradually add in the milk stirring to combine. Add the sugar, salt and oil; beat until smooth.

2. Heat a non-stick pan over medium high heat. Pour about 1/4cup of the batter onto the pan for each crepe. Tilt the pan with a circular motion so that the batter coats the surface evenly.

3. Cook the crepe for about 2 minutes, until the bottom is light brown. Loosen with a spatula, turn and cook the other side. Serve hot.

Blueberry filling

Chocolate and cream filling

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Steamed Carrot Cake (Radish and red carrot cake)

I love to steam this carrot cake and serve it either in its normal steamed state or to cut it into small bite-size and fried either white or black carrot cake. Instead of roast pork, I used chinese sausage as it is not as fat as roast pork and more healthy.

Alternatively, to fry black carrot cake or even serve pan fried like the dim sum restaurant. (Will share the method to fry black carrot cake and also the ingredients used in another sharing.


500 g rice flour
Red and white radish(1 red carrot and 1/3 white radish, sliced into thin strips)
100g dried shrimps (soaked and then pounded)
mushrooms ( amount is optional, soaked and cut into cube )
*1400 ml water from the water of the mushroom and dried prawns.
2 teaspoons salt
300g roast pork (or Chinese sausage)
10 to 15 small onions ( sliced )
10 pips garlic ( finely chopped )
1/4 onion (finely chopped)
* Put rice flour into the 1400 ml of water. Add the salt and pepper.
Slowly stir the mixture with
your hands and mix well.

Garnishing Ingredients:
spring onions cut fine
red chillies, sliced
fried shallots

1. Stir -fry dried onions. When lightly brown, add garlic.

2. Add dried shrimps, when fragrant, add roast pork/chinese sausage.

3. Add mushrooms and stir-fry. Then add radhish and carrot strips and stir-fry.

4. Mixed rice flour to the mushroom and dry shrimp water and mix well.

5. Add rice flour mixture. Gently stir-fry until everything in the wok becomes thickens.

6. Add the mixture into a tray and steam for about 1/2 h or until the mixture is cooked.

(Note: I make two of this tray.)
The recipe is very easy to make. And can feed about 15-20 people for tea.

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Mini Blueberry Tarts

Went for blueberry plucking today and ended up with about 5kg of blueberry which I decided to try my hand on making mini tarts and so here’s my end-products.

100g unsalted butter
35g icing sugar
¼ tsp salt
1 whole egg
140g All-purpose flour
1 tbsp Milk Flour
2 tbsp Cornflour
100g milk chocolate

2 egg yolks
65g sugar
40g cornflour
350g fresh milk
150g whipped cream
½ tsp vanilla essence

1. Preheat oven to 350 – 375F (170-180C).
2. Melt unsalted butter under room temperature. Add icing sugar and salt then beat till mixture is pale yellow. Pour in beaten whole egg slowly. Mix well.
3. Sift in cake flour then stir in milk powder and cornflour to form dough.
4. Divide into small portion and press into tart mold. Poke holes in dough base with fork. Bake in preheated oven on middle tray for 10-12 minutes. Remove and cool.

1. Heat milk chocolate indirectly till melted. Brush over pastry and cool till chocolate is solidified.

2. Combine egg yolks, sugar, cornflour and fresh milk. Stir well and bring to boil. Allow mixture to cool and thicken before stirring in vanilla essence.

3. Add whipped cream which has been beaten till 60% fluffy. Fill into the tart pastry and decorate with fruits.

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Bak Kwa

The bak kwa sold here does not taste as good as those back home and very dry so I decided to try my hand on making my own bak kwa using a recipe that I have gotten from Imperial Kitchen by doing some simple modification to it. And it turned out quite well and juicy.

Bak Kwa

1 kg minced meat (Just the normal minced pork and not the lean pork type.)
2.5 tbsp fish sauce
2 tbsp light soy sauce
1 tbsp dark sweet soy sauce
2 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Char Siew Sauce
2 tbsp Hua Tiao
¼ cup Raw Granulate Sugar
¼ cup Honey
1 small drop Mei Kwei Lu Rice Wine (Rose Essence Rice Wine)

1. Preheat oven to about 350°F.

2. Put the minced pork into a big bowl and add in all the ingredients and mixed in one direction till the mixture becomes gluey. (I used the mixer to do it at high speed and it was done in less than 2 minutes)

3. Allow the mixture to rest for 30 minutes for the seasoning to get into the meat.

4. Sandwich the meat between two parchment baking paper (or wax paper) and roll with a rolling pin to the desired thickness. Remove the paper on top.

5. Place the meat into the preheated oven and bake for 10m minutes. Remove after 10 minutes and turn it over to bake the other side. Apply a layer of honey to glaze the pork before placing into the oven again for another 10 minutes.

6. Removed after 10 minutes and turn over the meat and glaze with honey again. Lower the oven to about 300°F and bake for about 10 minutes. (Turn the meat oven every 2-3minutes and check to make sure that the meat does not burnt.)

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