Archive for August, 2007

Vanilla Cupcakes

There seems to be a craze over the baking of cupcakes. With home-based baker taking orders through the internet baking it for customers and personally I know of a couple of such stay at home mums who use their home to run their small enterprise. And over here in Vancouver, there are some bakeries specialized in just cupcakes.

Instead of buying from the bakery, we tried to bake them at home.

1½ cup All-purpose Flour
2 tsp Baking powder
A pinch Salt
¾ cup Sugar (I used raw unprocessed sugar)
½ cup milk
2 eggs
⅓ cup Canola oil
½ tsp vanilla

1. Preheat oven to about 375°F (190°C)
2. Sift flour, baking flour and sugar together into a big mixing bowl.
3. Add in the sugar, milk, eggs and vanilla essence. Mix well until smooth for a minute.
4. Scoop into prepared baking cupcake tray with paper cups till 70% to the brim of the paper
5. Baked in preheated oven for 10-12 minutes.

(Note: that different oven, the timing might be different so check occasionally while baking to find the most optimum timing for your oven.)

There are two ways of making icing, I rarely make unless it is a party as we do not fancy so much fats.

Classic Butter Icing
1. Cream ½ cup soft butter with 2 cups icing sugar.
2. 2 tsp vanilla, 2 tbsp milk and 1cup of icing sugar into mixtures.
3. Gradually add 1 to 2 tbsp milk into icing sugar until smooth and of desired spreading
4. Add food colouring to the icing to make desired colouring.
5. For chocolate icing, add ⅓ cup sifted cocoa icing sugar.

Vanilla Buttercream Icing
1 cup soft butter
5 cups sifted icing sugar
½ cup whipping cream
½ tsp vanilla

1. Beat soft butter in a large bowl till light and fluffy.
2. Alternately beat in sugar and cream, and add in 2 additions of sugar.
3. Beat in the vanilla.
4. Refrigerate in airtight container for up to 24hours.
5. Let it come to room temperature about an hour and beat slightly before using.

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Mua Chee

Mua Chee
It is a simple snack make of glutinous rice flour, peanuts, sugar and sesame seeds. And being away from home, we do not get it here so I decided to make it and it was so yummy that my boy loves it very much. Simple snacks that can be easily found in Singapore and Malaysia.

1 cup (240ml) Glutinous rice flour
2 tsp Sugar
¾ cup (180ml) Water
1tsp Canola oil
2 tsp Onion fragnant oil

Coating Ingredients:
½ cup Chopped toasted peanuts
¼ cup Fine granulated sugar (Add according to taste. I usually
do not add in all.)
1tsp Sesame seeds

1. Mix glutinous rice flour, sugar and oil in a tray and mixed well.
2. Steam for ½ hour. Use chopsticks to test for firmness.
3. When it is ready, cool till warm.
4. Cut and roll pieces in prepared coating and serve.

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Seafood, Baby Corns and Snow Peas

Seafood, Baby Corns and Snow Peas

1 packet fresh baby corns, half
1 packet snow peas, remove the ends
300g of seafood-prawns, squids and scallops
1 clove garlic, sliced
some onion, sliced
1 tsp canola oil
1 tsp light soy sauce
45 ml chicken stock
1 tsp cornstarch to 1 tbsp water

1. Heat up the oil. Add in the garlic and onion, fry till golden brown or fragance.

2. Add in the seafood and stir-fry for a while.

3. Add in the corn, snowpeas and mix well. Then add in the chicken stock and shimmer for a while.

4. When the fluid begins to boil, pour in the cornstarch mixture and mix well. And serve.

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Honey Pork

This is one of the Peranakan dish that my family will not missed when we dined at Ivan Ivan. And having tasted it many times, it was a challenge for me to reproduce the taste since I am overseas and there is no Ivan Ivan here for me to enjoy this dish.

Honey Pork

400g of lean pork, cut into slice
Half a cup of green peas (I usually used mixed vegetables since I always have a pack in my freeze)
1.5 tbsp of tau cheo
4 tbsp of thick dark soy sauce
1 tsp of light soy sauce
2 tbsp of garlic
2 tbsp of oil

1. Marinate the lean pork with 1 tbsp of minced garlic, honey, tau cheo and 2 tbsp of thick dark soy sauce at least an hour or overnight.

2. Heat up the oil and fry garlic till fragnant.

3. Add in the marinated meat and stir fry.

4. Add in the addition sauces and stir fry.

5. Simmer until all the sauce dried up. Then add green peas and mixed well.

6. Ready to serve.

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